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Get a feel for your habits: $ for x in *; do file $x; done | grep JPEG | sed 's/://' | awk '{ printf("<img src=\"file:///home/dave/.mozilla/dave/2n6h694q.slt/Cache/%s\">\n", $1); }' > ~/test.html
Mon Jul 05, 2004 02:51 EDT
This is the most retarded 'advisory' I've ever seen. There were half a dozen Visual Basic programs out there that exploited this by the mid 90s, and it's never been considered an issue of any severity. This is not news!! [link]
Wed Apr 21, 2004 01:26 EDT
The most useful fast-access information tool I've discovered lately is a Wikipedia shortcut in Mozilla. File a bookmark with location "" and keyword "w". Then you can jump to any Wikipedia article by typing "w articlename" in the URL bar. It even works with spaces.
Tue Mar 30, 2004 02:13 EST